Category: Research

Taking the Dual Approach to Minnesota.

flucon team attends the STLE Annual Meeting in the USA.

The annual meeting of the Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers took place from May 19 to 23. Over 1,200 experts in tribology and lubrication technology gathered in Minneapolis, Minnesota, to discuss the latest developments and challenges in their industries.

As a new member of STLE, our team was keen to attend the 78th edition of the renowned event in the north-east of the USA. flucon CTO Simon Hausner also gave a presentation on our Dual Approach to electrical lubricant testing.

United in tribology.

flucon has joined the STLE!

Just in time for the 80th birthday of the Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (STLE), we are proud to announce that flucon has been accepted as its latest member. The STLE is a worldwide association of competent and highly innovative companies researching the influences of and on lubrication conditions in a wide range of friction technology applications.

In view of our far-reaching and ever-growing expertise, particularly in the field of oils and greases, we look forward to the joint exchange and the resulting progress in research.

New EPSILON+ standard is finally out!

The DIN 51111:2024-02 dielectric test standard will be published in February.

After more than five years of standardization work, the time has finally come: the DIN 51 111 method is published in edition 02-2024. Under the title “Electrical properties of fresh and used oils from electric drives in vehicles – Measurement of the specific electrical conductivity, the relative permittivity (εr) and the dielectric dissipation factor (tan δ)”, a precise description of the test procedure is given, for which flucon’s EPSILON+ Dielectricity Meter is fully compliant.

A part of what comes next.

flucon has been accepted into the DGMK.

After joining the FVA research association of drive technology in the middle of this year, we are proud to announce that flucon is now also a member of “Deutsche Gesellschaft für nachhaltige Energieträger, Mobilität und Kohlenstoffkreisläufe e.V.” (DGMK).

What keeps us moving.

flucon GmbH joins FVA Research Association for Drive Technology

Today the time has finally come: our company has been accepted as a member of the Research Association for Drive Technology – or FVA for short. As a developer, manufacturer and also user of fluid measurement technology, we continuously move between different research focuses. Drive technology in particular has been and remains an essential discipline of our work. One of its central challenges, the characterization of suitable lubricants in a wide variety of drive systems, has given our team the literal drive to innovate for many years.