Taking the Dual Approach to Minnesota.

flucon team attends the STLE Annual Meeting in the USA.

The annual meeting of the Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers took place from May 19 to 23. Over 1,200 experts in tribology and lubrication technology gathered in Minneapolis, Minnesota, to discuss the latest developments and challenges in their industries.

As a new member of STLE, our team was keen to attend the 78th edition of the renowned event in the north-east of the USA. flucon CTO Simon Hausner also gave a presentation on our Dual Approach to electrical lubricant testing.

Five days of first-class program

Traditionally, the STLE Annual Meeting offers a wide variety of high-quality technical presentations from a wide range of research areas.

Gathered in technical sessions, there was a week of knowledge exchange on topics such as electromobility, lubricant development, rolling bearing technology, sustainability in drive technology and artificial intelligence.


In focus: flucon’s “Dual Approach” to dielectric lubricant analysis – with EPSILON+ and E-Lub Tester

In the Electric Vehicles I session on Monday morning, our Chief Technology Officer Simon Hausner also had his say. He presented flucon’s holistic approach to lubricant testing.

In addition to the established dielectricity measuring device “EPSILON+”, which has been provided with its own DIN 51 111 standard earlier this year, the new electrified tribometer “E-Lub Tester” enables application-oriented investigations of the electrical properties of a lubricated test bearing. In addition to the lubrication condition, the dielectric strength is also determined within the characteristic diagram.

In summary: the Dual Approach enables the analysis of oils and greases

  • in the constant electrode gap of the EPSILON+ as well as
  • in the fully variable tribological contact of a test bearing in the E-Lub Tester

to provide a comprehensive analysis of the lubricant dielectricity.


The E-Lub Tester, which was derived from the GESA assembly (“device for extended lubricant analysis”) designed at the MEGT of the Technical University of Kaiserslautern, has already been developed to market maturity by flucon and is used as a measuring insert for Falex and Hansa four-ball testers.

The dielectric tribometry adapter, which is currently being standardized, measures both the impedance and the breakdown tendency under fully variable operating conditions (speed, load, lubricant temperature, source voltage signal, running time).

Another completely new feature is that the breakdown tests can be carried out using various modes developed in-house. The “Breakdown Finder” mode allows non-destructive determination of the initial breakdown voltage, while the “Distribution Discharge” mode enables the replication of spark-rosive bearing damage while taking the current distribution into account.

Want to learn more about flucon’s “Dual Approach”?

Simon’s presentation can be found here


Lots of good conversations on the banks of the Mississippi.

With a population of 425,000 and its spectacular location on the Mississipi river, the metropolis of Minneapolis provided the perfect backdrop for this international convention. The evening events in particular provided plenty of space for numerous technical discussions and personal exchanges with like-minded people and business partners. Here, topics from the day were discussed in detail and new friendships were forged in a relaxed atmosphere.

Did you know that next year’s STLE Annual Meeting will take place in Atlanta, Georgia? Now that is certainly a date that our team has already made a note of.


Thanks for having us, Minneapolis!


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