In operation since May: 100 kWp photovoltaic system.
Already in spring 2022 a solar plant has been installed at flucon, which could now finally be put into operation.
The southern roofs of our new company headquarters were almost completely covered with PV modules, giving us an output of 100 kWp. The configuration was supplemented by an in-house storage system, which is intended to cover the nightly demand, compensate for yield dips and thus ensure as complete self-sufficiency as possible.
Solar factory as a regional contribution to climate protection.
We have deliberately oversized the PV system: the energy generated by our “solar factory” far exceeds our own requirements in the high-yield months, so that surpluses can be fed into the regional grid.
This is great news not only for our company, because the solar power we generate makes an important contribution to sustainability and the incredibly important climate protection.
We’re very happy that we were able to take an important step towards climate protection with our brand-new plant.