Team flucon welcome their latest professionals.
May we introduce to you: Ms. Schilling and Mr. Richter. Starting on November 1st these two young talents reinforce our company in divisions that have been showing constant growth.
Ms. Christina Schilling (schilling@flucon.de) will be our additional laboratory assistant. From staying on top of your test samples to administrative tasks: as a qualified assistant in chemical technology Christina has got what it takes to handle all the relevant procedures of fluid analysis in the flucon lab.
Mr. Wilhelm Richter (richter@flucon.de) is not only a trained electrician for industrial engineering, he has also earned his Master degree in electrical and information technology. By supporting our Research & Product Development division, Wilhelm will help us take the development of especially our oil aeration products FOAM & CGS on a new level.
We are very proud to have these two “high potentials” join our team, and would like to give them a warm welcome.
Ms. Schilling und Mr. Richter are looking forward to your cooperation.